20 September 2024

Three Chinese tourists were plucked from the sea off Ko Chang Island by rescue workers after they were caught by rip current while swimming in the sea off Sai Khao beach on Wednesday afternoon in defiance of a no-swimming sign.

One of the tourists, whose identity  is not immediately knownm was reported to be in serious condition and was rushed to a clinic on the island for emergency treatment.  He was later declared to be out of danger.

Employees of a hotel spotted the three Chinese tourists struggling in the sea as they appeared to be drowning and immediately alerted the Ko Chang municipal office for help.

Rescue workers from Sawang Boonchuey association were rushed to the scene and managed to pluck the three male tourists out of the sea and brought them ashore safely.  One was however sent for medical treatment.

A rescue worker said later that the three tourists were caught in a rip current and could not swim ashore.  He suggested that if one was caught in a rip current, he/she must swim in parallel to the beach away from the rip so that he/she would not be sucked further away from the shoreline by the rip.

There is a no-swimming red flag on  the beach but this was ignored by the three Chinese tourists.