24 September 2024

Almost 600 people have been found to have been in close physical contact with a COVID-19 infected DJ, with 78 of them classified being in the “high risk” group, as Thailand recorded four new COVID-19 cases today (Friday), including the first locally transmitted infection in over 3 months.

According to the CCSA, that infection is of a 37-year old Thai man, working as a DJ, who tested positive for COVID-19 on September 2nd as he was remanded in custody in the rehabilitation centre of Bangkok Special Prison.

Health officials have traced the DJ’s movements back to August 12th and found 589 low risk contacts and 78 at the high risk level. 34 others are pending investigation.

Six of the DJ’s family members have been classified as high risk, but five of them have tested negative, with his mother’s test result expected today. All have been placed in quarantine.

Only one high-risk contact, a friend of the DJ, has been found at the “Three Days Two Nights” restaurant, where they worked together.  He has been isolated and will be monitored for 14 days, as the search continues for more contacts.

Altogether, 492 contacts have been found at the Criminal Court, including 14 high-risk cases. Screenings on September 3rd, of 146 low risk people and 10 in the high-risk group, have cleared them of infection, but all have been placed in home quarantine for 14 days.

At the rehabilitation centre, where the infected DJ was detained before his admission to hospital, 40 officials were in contact with the infected man, including 13 classified as high risk.  Retesting is scheduled for September 8th and 16th.

36 people at the detention facility were classified as being at high risk, but tests on September 2nd cleared them of any infection. They are also to be tested again on September 8th and 16th and have been isolated from the main prison population.

At the Bangkok Special Prison, eight high-risk prisoners have been identified. They have undergone tests, with results pending.

The three other new infections are Thais returning from the United States, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

Cumulative infections in Thailand, to date, are 3,431 with 3,277 recoveries and 96 others still in hospital.  The death toll remains at 58.