20 September 2024

A survivor of the Phoenix dive boat accident on Thursday said that passengers on board the ill-fated tour boat were not warned to wear life vests nor was there a demonstration on how to properly wear the life vests.

According to Daily News Online report, the young Chinese survivor who was not identified said there were five of them in the same group on board the Phoenix dive boat and two of them died and another injured while he and another friend survived.

He said when the boat left Phuket, it was raining and there was no warning of venturing out into the open sea.  He added that, while on board the vessel, no crews gave a demonstration of how to properly wear a life vest and they were not told where were the fire exits.

He recalled that the trouble began in the evening when the wind was very strong and the sky became dark, but there was no warning for them to wear life vests.  He said he heard the glass windows cracked when the boat tilted one side and he saw their guide run to the second deck to grab a life vest.

The survivor said several people scrambled to get out through an exit and some of them fell on the floor.  He saw a crew member jumped into the sea and he followed suit.

He said he was saved by crews from a fishing boat.