20 September 2024

Indonesian rescuers are racing against time to evacuate more than 560 people, including many Thai tourists, from Mount Rinjani on Lombok after a 6.4-magnitude quake struck the island in West Nusa Tenggara province Sunday morning.

The quake has already claimed 16 lives, according to disaster agency officials cited by news service Antara.

Indonesian media reported that more than 820 trekkers, including 617 foreigners, were on Mount Rinjani when the quake hit.    The Thai Foreign Ministry has confirmed that 304 Thais were among the trekkers stranded on the mountain and so far all are reported to be safe.

The Indonesian military said today that it has deployed soldiers to support rescue efforts, with the special forces troops tasked with evacuating those trapped on Mount Rinjani.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo boarded a military helicopter on Monday morning to inspect the area.

“We want to convey our deepest sorrow for this disaster, especially for the deceased,” said the president after his visit to a makeshift shelter at Sambelia district in East Lombok regency.