21 September 2024

Her Royal Highness Princess Soamsawali has been advised by doctors at Chulalongkorn hospital to continue staying at the hospital for medical treatment and to suspend royal activities after she was diagnosed with blood deficiency in some parts of the brain.

In a statement issued on Saturday by the Office of the Royal Household, HRH Princess Soamsawali was admitted to Chulalongkorn hospital on August 27 for treatment of a swollen shin of the right leg which was diagnosed with tissue  infection.

After being administered with medication, her condition has improved steadily until Friday night when the princess experienced slight weakness of the right hand and palm, but without a sensation of numbness, according to the statement.

The princess was then subjected to brain scanning and it was discovered that certain parts of her brain suffered from blood deficiency requiring the administration of antiplatelet drug and close observation by doctors.

Doctors have advised that princess suspend all royal activities and to stay on at the hospital for follow-up treatment, according to the statement.