20 September 2024

The planned scrapping of the primary screening of election candidates has the two major mainstream parties laugh cynically.


Although they dont like the primary idea, the biggest mainstream parties — Pheu Thai and Democrat to be exact — are well equipped to follow the proposed electoral rulesOn the other hand, the promilitary movement, comprising some new faces in politics and oldtimers who have broken away from existing parties, would find it difficult to implement the screening process as required by laws.


The chances of the primary system being aborted are all but 100 per cent, according to informed sources last weekThis means things could virtually go back to the old days, when election candidates were selected by parties executives, with branches or lesser members having no power whatsoever to veto decisions they didnt like.


Under the proposed primary system, representatives of party branches and provincial offices hold voting on potential election candidatesResults are then submitted to party executive boards, which can reject the highest votegetters and go for their runnersupIf the boards dont like the entire results, the whole process can restart.


Although the proclaimed objective of the primary system was to give more power to the bases of political parties, Pheu Thai claimed the real idea was to make life harder for them. Doubters, however, said the partytop down approach in running internal affairs meant the selectors could still be controlled, thus the proposed system would not make a real difference.


But while the Pheu Thai and Democrat parties can do whatever is required of them, new parties with fledging or unfinished branch networks will find it difficult to follow every letter of the lawsA new system, therefore, has been mooted, with Prime Minister Prayut saying that every change or leniency is aimed at making the next election take place within the timeframe spelled out in the junta’s roadmap.


A proposed change reportedly calls for the setting up of an 11person selection committeeFour panelists will be party executives, while the other seven will be party membersNames of candidates will be submitted to the party board, although it should be noted that four executives already sit in the selection committeeItthe boards duty to inform party members in each constituency of the list of the candidates, although no veto is possible at this juncture.


In case the board does not approve the selection committees proposals, the committee will be obliged to submit a new listIf the new list is again rejected, theboard and the selection committee will have to work together and produce the final list of candidates through a secret vote.


Obviously, the proposed changes take away the power of lesser party members to select election candidatesThe top echelon of each party will virtually havethe lone and ultimate say on who run in the electionThis is, in effect, a return to the old days.


Now that the primary system stands a very little chance of being implemented, Pheu Thai is mocking Gen Prayut for a law that it says is coming back to haunt himThe Democrats reaction is more subdued, with party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva saying politicians are confused and do not understand why the rulemakers are going back and forth on the primary idea.