21 September 2024

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administraion will this Friday start dismantling 1,170 huge billboards, including LCD screens, after the company granted with the permission to install them has failed to  pay their fees.

Bangkok deputy governor Sakonthi Patthiyakul said the city administration had cancelled the contract with the company, PSF, after it failed to pay the City Hall more than 200 million baht in overdue billboard taxes.

Starting this Friday, he said workers will start dismantling these bill boards, totaling 1,170, scattering in 50 districts. But their structures, mostly on roadsides and intersections, will stay.

In the meantime, he said the city administration had assigned a law firm to demand compensation from PSF for breaches of contract.

For the past five months, city officials had dismantled more than 50,000 advertising bill boards, mostly real estate advertising, after their contracts with the city administration have expired.

Regarding public telephone booths which are no longer operational and mostly abandoned, Sakonthi said they would also be dismantled.  He said many of them have been used as shelters by the homeless.