21 September 2024

Chulalongkorn hospital on Tuesday announced the country’s first case of a baby born to a parent through artificial insemination.  

The good news about the birth of the baby to an assisted reproductive parent was jointly announced on Monday by Professor Dr Sutthipong Watcharasindhu, director of Chulalongkorn hospital, and Dr Pramuan Veerutamasen, advisor of the of the assisted reproductive technological unit of the hospital.

Professor Dr Kamthorn Prueksananont of the obstetrics and pediatrics division of the hospital, said in the past there was widespread concern that people born through artificial insemination might be physically and mentally abnormal that they could become a new human species, citing the case of Britain’s first person born through artificial insemination.

Eventually throughout the years, he said this concern had eased substantially as it was proven that people born through assisted reproductive technology or artificial insemination were as normal as the other people who were conceived naturally.

In this case, the parent who was the country’s first case of baby born through artificial insemination was identified as Mr Pawornvich Srisahaburi.  Doctors have followed up his health conditions on continuous basis until he was able to have a baby of his own and his wife.

According to Dr Kamthorn, there are altogether seven million people born through artificial insemination worldwide, with about 20,000 in Thailand.

He admitted that he had no idea whether these 20,000 individuals have children or not because doctors have not followed their cases like Pawornvich’s.

Pawornvich, meanwhile, said he is physically fit because he exercises on a regular basis.  But he admitted that he was worried whether he could have a baby or not until after his wife was found to be pregnant.

The baby boy was born on Sunday and weighed 3,223 grammes.  Both the baby and the mother were said to be in good health and fine.