21 September 2024

Bangkok Christian College which has created a buzz by allowing its students to shed off their uniform and wear casual dresses to classes on Tuesdays has been told to review the initiative by the Office of Private Education Promotion.

In a letter sent to the school management today, the OPEP expresses concern it will have on student discipline and  how it may lead to more spending on clothing and cause social problems caused by casual dresses.

The office told the college management to rethink its initiative and to take into consideration the suitability of wearing casual clothing.

The college started to allow casual dresses for students on Tuesday. Its management claimed that the initiative would help promote creativity among students and correspond with changing circumstances.  The trial period will last six weeks after which an assessment will be made to determine the impacts of the casual clothing.

Meanwhile, Secretary-General of Private Education Promotion Commission Chalum Atthatham recommended Bangkok Christian College to consult the school board about the new casual dress code and to report the result of the consultation to the Education Ministry, pointing out that private schools are still required to follow the ministry’s regulation on dress code.

However, Education Minister Thirakiart Charoensetthasilp said he thought the students’ dress code should not be an issue pertaining to education because the clothing has no impact on learning.

He cited remarks made by  King Chulalongkorn that dress code was meant to ensure discipline and to ease social disparity.

The minister said that he was aware of the good intention of the school management and that the school had no intention to force students to wear casual clothing on Tuesdays.

Former education minister Chaturon Chaisaeng said he didn’t think casual dress would pose any harm.  Instead, he said he found the casual clothing refreshing.