20 September 2024

Cancelling Friday’s order to close the famous Tham Luang cave in Thailand’s northern province of Chiang Rai from February 19th, the public relations office in Chiang Mai announced today that visitors can continue to visit the cave as usual.
Chiang Rai governor Mr. Prachon Pratsakul said that the SEAL team had postponed its plan to document the interior of the cave and recover equipment left behind after the extraction of the Wild Boar youth football team in July 2018, adding that the expedition will be rescheduled .
Park officials have removed the closure signs previously erected at several locations in the park.
A SEAL team, park and rescue workers, including British cave diver Vernon Unsworth, revisited parts of the cave interior on January 17th and found over 3,000 abandoned oxygen tanks and other equipment. They were unable to reach the chamber where the footballers took refuge for 2 weeks in 2018 after floodwater had blocked their exit.