20 September 2024

The majority of respondents to an opinion survey, conducted by Super Poll, say that they neither support the Government nor the Opposition, preferring to wait to before assessing their performance.

Super Poll conducted qualitative and quantitative research on 1,069 people from a wide range of occupations nationwide between October 15th and 19th.

Super Poll director Noppadol Kannikar said today (Sunday) that one interesting finding was that 67.2% of respondents admitted that they prefer not to take sides, with the Government or Opposition, because both are currently under-performing and they want to wait to assess their performance.

16.9% of the respondents, however, are supportive of the Government, compared to 15.9% who oppose it.

Another interesting finding, said Mr. Noppadol, was that 54.3% of the respondents agree with the Government’s budgetary allocation for security affairs, which include protection of life and property, public disaster mitigation and relief operations.

On the question of Government spending, the survey showed 65.9% want quality health care as their top priority, 59.8% want good and secure jobs, 54.3% want security for their lives and property, 50.8% want increased road safety, 48.2% want government help for small and medium-size enterprises and 37.0% want government to provide them with housing.