20 September 2024

Celebrities have joined residents in and around Bangkok in accusing the Government of being complacent and incompetent in its approach to solving the worsening PM2.5 dust pollution.


Well known singer Lydia Sarunrat posted images of her bloodshot eyes on Instagram on Monday, saying the pollution had irritated her eyes after just 15 minutes riding a motorcycle in Bangkok.

She said she wore an appropriate face mask, but it didn’t help.


Former Ms. Thailand World 2014, Ms. Meya Nonthawan, said she visited a hospital two days after her return to Bangkok from an overseas trip. “I am now resting at home with an air purifier working.”

Rapper Apisit Joeyboy Opasaimilikit asked, in his Facebook post, “I wonder why no one is worried?  Are those responsible not worried about us? It is understandable that it (pollution) comes at this time of the year and then goes away, but no apparent action is being taken at this critical time.”


Actress Atthama “Bowie” Chivanichapan’s Instagram page shows her wearing a face mask, saying that she felt an irritation in her throat after going outdoors, which became a sore throat the next day.

A Facebook post by “Infectious” reported that there were many children at hospitals, suffering respiratory problems, flu, coughing, red eyes, allergies, runny noses and asthma, on the day when PM2.5 readings were over 150 microns.


Those in weak health are advised not go outdoors unless absolutely necessary, and then they should wear a face mask.

‘D10palette’ tweeted that she is normally a healthy woman who has never suffered from allergies, “but last week, after arriving at my office from home, rashes appeared on my legs and I had to take medication,” she said, adding that when she stayed indoors at the weekend, the rashes disappeared but re-emerged when she returned to work on Monday.


‘Narisara Student’ said, in her Facebook post, that she blames PM2.5 dust for her dog’s chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The Thammasat University Student Organization issued a statement condemning Government’s apparent complacency over the deteriorating dust problem.

Tags: complacent, incompetent, celebrities, PM2.5 dust