20 September 2024

Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul has assured the public that the current preventive measures, adopted by the ministry, are sufficient to control the spread of the novel coronavirus in Thailand.

In a livestreamed presentation, shortly after midnight, the minister said that Thailand had been through similar crises before and is making use of the experience, with some adaptations to suit the current situation. He also said that the Public Health Ministry has been in been coordinating with the World Health Organization regarding the outbreak of the virus in China, as well as the few cases in Thailand involving Chinese tourists.

He disclosed that there have been eight confirmed cases in Thailand so far, all of them tourists from the Chinese city of Wuhan, and that five of these have already returned home, with the remaining three clear of the virus with their condition steadily improving.

In line with international practice, Mr. Anutin said that there are five stages in coping with the different degrees of seriousness of the disease.

In the case of Thailand, he said that the coronavirus situation is currently categorized as Stage 1 or 2 adding, however, that measures would be tightened up if the situation turns more serious.

“I can assure you that, for the time being, the situation is under control,” said the minister.

Meanwhile, the Central Group has rolled out measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus at all the group’s shopping malls. These include the spraying of germicide in elevators every half an hour, cleaning of the floors with germicide every half hour and more hand washing gels provided for shoppers.