21 September 2024

Six Thai media associations issued a joint statement today to remind all media outlets to adhere to ethical standards in their reporting of the COVID-19 outbreak, by complying with the guidelines set for the media in the performance of their duty during crises.

Members of the media are to exercise caution to avoid creating widespread panic through irresponsible speculation about coronavirus or reports which lack confirmation from medical experts or other credible sources.

Members of the media are also reminded of the need to study related laws and conditions applicable to working during a crisis, so that their actions do not impact upon the public interest or safety.

The media associations called on the management of all media to give importance to the welfare of their editorial staff, and the safety of their field reporters assigned to high-risk areas, by providing them with adequate protective gear.

They also urged the government and its servants to ensure sure that the information they disseminate to the public is accurate, credible and clear cut.

The media associations also advised the public to exercise caution when sharing information by cross-checking with other sources, such as multiple media organizations, to make sure the information is accurate and credible.

The joint statement was issued by the Press Council of Thailand, Thai Journalists Association of Thailand, the Broadcast Journalists of Thailand, the Online News Producers Association, the Broadcast Media Council of Thailand and the Thai Media Central Labour Union.