20 September 2024

Eighteen foreign tourists were today detained by Thai police for partying at a rented house on Pha-ngan Island, home to the popular full-moon parties, in violation of state of emergency restrictions.

Police, from Koh Pha-ngan police station in Thailand’s Surat Thani province, raided the house after a tip-off from the village head, saying that many foreign tourists were regularly gathering for drinks parties.

Arriving at the scene, police found 17 motorcycles parked in front of the house and heard loud music coming from inside the residence.  Police then entered the house and found bottles of liquor, a computer notebook and a sound system on the second floor.  No illegal items were found.

The Russian tenant of the house claimed that he had merely invited some friends round for a drink and chat.

Police later escorted the foreigners, including the tenant, to the police station to be charged with violating the ban on social gatherings, intended to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Royal Thai Police spokesman Pol Col Krisaana Pattanacharoen said today that more than 7,000 people have been arrested for violating the night time curfew in the past two weeks.

He said that the figures show that some sections of the public still do not understand the important role the curfew plays in limiting the spread of the disease, adding that the Royal Thai Police has made available a form, for any individuals who feel the need to travel during the curfew to complete, so that they can be exempted from arrest.