20 September 2024

Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has appealed to Thailand’s 20 richest people for help by asking them to join the Government in steering the country through the crisis caused by the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.

In his live televised national address on Friday evening, the Prime Minister said that he had sent a letter to the 20 richest people in Thailand “asking how they can help our Thailand.”

He said the multi-billionaires of Thailand have a lot of influence over the economy and are listed among some of the world’s richest people. He would like them to play crucial role in helping the country at a time when it is badly in need of help “because I know the sufferings of the Thai people are also your pain”.


“I would like all of you to share your capabilities, your wisdom, as well as your vision and your highly-efficient organizations, to help weather the crisis we are facing today,” said the Prime Minister in his address.

He also said that, starting next week, he will meet with all SME associations to hear their views, their problems and their needs and, especially, what they expect the Government to do to improve its efficiency.


While maintaining that the Government is duty-bound to help the Thai people in the face of the pandemic, the Prime Minister said that it could expand its assistance through cooperation with the private sector.

The Prime Minister also appealed to all political groups to set aside their differences and to join the fight against the pandemic.

He admitted that the Government cannot not fight the virus alone and it must have the cooperation of all sectors of Thai society.