21 September 2024

Operators of more than 80 privately owned children’s nurseries today lodged an appeal with the Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration, through the Office of the Permanent Secretary of the PM’s Office, to allow them to reopen by June 15th.

They claim that the prolonged closure of nurseries, as part of the COVID-19 lockdown, has severely affected their businesses, to the extent that about half of the nurseries across the country may be forced out of business, which will result in the mass layoff of about 20,000 baby-sitters.

One of the operators, Mrs. Somjai Nuthong, told Thai PBS that the closure of her business for that past two months has deprived her of any revenue, while she still has to shoulder many expenses. She also said that the babysitters are struggling to make ends meet, even though they have received compensation from the social security fund.

The nursery operators said that this is their second appeal, after the first, submitted on May 1st, went unheeded.

They claim that they have taken steps to prevent the spread of the virus in their premises, to ensure that the children are protected against cross infection.