20 September 2024

Thailand’s Labour Minister, M.R. Chatumongol Sonakul, has quit as leader of the Ruam Palang Prachachart Party, effective Tuesday, after he failed a performance assessment by the party’s executive board.

Well-informed sources said the board met on today, to assess his work over the past year, and agreed that he had under-performed, citing his slow response to the massive layoffs of workers resulting from business closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The board also cited widespread criticism of the Labor Ministry’s handling of other labor problems, said the sources, adding that M.R, Chatumongol has tendered his resignation as party leader.

Party secretary-general Thaweesak na Takuathung will serve as the acting party leader until a replacement is found, which could be Mr. Anek Laothammathat, a member of the executive board.

M.R. Chatumongol was quoted in Matichon Online as saying he quit as leader of the Ruam Palang Prachachart party. Asked why, he said “No reasons. Like a husband and a wife, we just divorced.”

Asked when his resignation will become effective, he replied “Immediately. A person like me, when I quit, it means I quit immediately.”

He said he is still the Labor Minister “but if they want me out of the cabinet, then just do it.”