21 September 2024

Reminding Thai people of the current global economic crisis, one of the worst the world has faced and one which is likely to continue until the end of next year, Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha announced today that the top priority for his administration is addressing the ailing Thai economy, in order to put Thailand back on its feet, so it can prosper, once the COVID-19 pandemic is under control.

The Thai economy is linked with global economy, he said, so it will only recover when the economies of the other countries return to normal, adding that this is why he brought outsiders into the cabinet, all people whose expertise and knowledge apply to the current situation.

In his address to the Thai people, to introduce his new ministers, the Prime Minister also said that he recruit more talented people, from all sectors of Thai society, to help plan and drive the country forward to a better future, under the new normal working practices, which he branded “Thais Unite to Build the Nation.”

This month, he said he will hold workshops with all sectors, who will be invited to give their views on how the Government should support them.

The Prime Minister also said he wants to see Thai people, of divergent political views, set aside their “us and them” mentality and adopt a “We, the Thai people” attitude.

“This us and them mentality should not exist in the present world.  We must look forward to the future.  The future is for people who are now 15, 20 or 30 years old.  The most important thing today is social justice and equality under the law,” said the Prime Minister.

He urged the Thai people to shed old politics which, he alleged, has been the cause of division between the generations, the rich and the poor.

“We must stay above politics, because there are things which are more important waiting ahead of us. That is how to survive, how to help millions of people who are suffering from the COVID pandemic,” said the Prime Minister.

Citing Thailand’s success in controlling the spread of COVID-19, largely through the cooperation of the public, the Prime Minister said he is confident that the country will be able to do likewise in weathering the economic crisis and restoring prosperity to the country.