20 September 2024

The Deputy Chief of Thailand’s southern border province of Narathiwat and four of his subordinates narrowly escaped death and serious injury when their armour-plated pickup truck was ambushed by a group of insurgents as it was travelling between Yee Ngor and Ruesoh districts on Monday.

Informed security sources said that about 10 insurgents, including some scouts, were involved in the attack, which occurred as the vehicle, carrying Pol Col Thawatchai Suvaree, the Deputy Provincial Police Commander, and three other officers, was slowing down to negotiate sharp bend.

Hiding in the roadside bushes, the insurgents opened fire on the armor-plated truck, which was also equipped with bullet-proof windows, using assault rifles. The bullets did not penetrate the vehicle and the driver managed to speed away from the scene to the safety of the nearest para-military ranger outpost, about two kilometres away.

Reinforcements were dispatched to the site of the ambush. They scoured the scene and recovered more than 50 spent shells of different calibres.