20 September 2024

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha today reiterated the need for authorities to enforce every law strictly, to deal with anti-establishment protesters who break the law and especially those who offend the Monarchy.

He claimed that some protesters have crossed the line by offending the Monarchy to an unprecedented extent, which istotally unacceptable to the majority of the people, himself included.

“We have to listen to the voice of the majority,” said the prime minister, as he assured that those who do not break the law should not be worried.

He added that people who could not tolerate the protesters’ alleged attacks on the Monarchy have already filed complaints with the police.

The prime minister’s decision to get tough with the protesters, particularly those who offend the Monarchy, came after an incident in front of the Royal Thai Police headquarters on Wednesday when one protester spray-painted an allegedlyoffensive remark on the base of a large portrait of HM the Queen Mother.

The incident enraged several royalists, who urged the government to invoke the lèse majesté law.

Asked by a reporter about the claim, by Anont Nampa, one of the protest leaders, that the prime minister would step down before November 25th, he responded by demanding that the reporter check with Anont about where he got such “unfounded”information, adding that he wondered whether a person like Anont could still be trusted.

The prime minister also criticized the media for focusing too much on the law-breaking protesters, while ignoring the students who helped erase the graffiti daubed on the road and other premises by them.