25 September 2024

The Myanmar military has declared a state of emergency in the country for one year after government leaders, including President Win Myint and leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) Aung San Suu Kyi were detained earlier this morning.

Xinhua News reported that the state of emergency was announced on Myanmar military TV.

It said telecommunications in capital city of Naypyitaw and some other regions and states are also being cut off.  

“I received internal reports about our state counsellor and president being taken by the military. As far as I was informed, Shan State’s Planning and Finance Minister U Soe Nyunt Lwin, Kayah state’s NLD chairman Thaung Htay and some NLD representatives of the Ayeyarwady region’s parliament have been detained,” Xinhua quoted NLD spokesman Myo Nyunt as saying.

“Two members of Central Executive Committee of the party were taken and I am also waiting to be detained as I was informed by our members that my turn will come shortly,” he said.

Myanmar’s military had said on Saturday it would protect and abide by the constitution and act according to law after comments earlier in the week had raised fears of a coup.