21 September 2024

Thailand’s Department of Underground Water Resources has warned against drinking the naturally carbonated water which is flowing from an underground source, like the geyser currently rising from a rice field in Laokwan district of the western province of Kanchanaburi.

Department Director-General Sakda Vichiensilp said that the iron content of the water, which tastes like soda water, is above safety levels and contains significant amounts of bicarbonate, measured at 2,400 milligrams per litre, which is what makes the water taste like soda.

He recommended that the water be treated before consumption, to get rid of any ferric oxide present.

Striking underground carbonated water sources is quite rare, he said, adding that the find will help ease water shortages in the district.

Many villagers in the area have been flocking to see the carbonated geyser, which shoots about two metres above ground level and has flooded the surrounding area. Several reportedly wanted to taste the water.

To prevent people from taking the water for consumption, the department has cordoned off the area and put up a sign warning that the carbonated water should not be consumed until officials have fully analyzed its safety.

The department found the carbonated water while searching for water resources for farmers in Laokwan district. One of their drills struck the water source at a depth of 303 metres.

The water is flowing out at a rate of about 50 cubic metres per hour.