21 September 2024

Many may say that a mother’s love is endless and that proves to be quite true with this veteran educator in Sadao district of Songkla province who has stepped up as the substitute teacher for her daughter’s class after her daughter had to go through the 2nd stage of chemotherapy and really need time to regain her strength.

The 67-year-old mother and retired teacher is back in the classroom again, and her spirit as a teacher has not diminished over time.

Today, Jariya Jomphiphatphong is once again teaching a 1st-grade classroom at Ban Padang Community School

Her daughter, Panida Jomphiphatphong who is going through the 2nd stage of breast cancer, fatigue with vomiting and dizziness, from the chemotherapy.

The school director has been informed of this motherly substitution. Though the daughter is back in the classroom, Jariya insists to come in to help, at least until her daughter regains her health.