20 September 2024

Up to 87% of respondents to a recent poll say they want every Thai citizen to receive their first COVID-19 vaccine jab and do not mind if the second shot is postponed.

The poll also shows that 78.2% of the respondents are confident that they will be able to resume their normal life, once every Thai has received their first dose, according to Super Poll.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Noppadon Kannika, Director of the Super Poll Research Institute, said that they conducted qualitative and quantitative research on 1,051 samples between May 1st and today (Sunday) about their opinion of COVID-19 vaccinations.

The opinion survey also shows:

  • 6% want the government to prioritize groups of people in high-risk areas for vaccination and to allow each province to manage its own vaccination program
  • 6% want the government to allow the private sector to procure alternative vaccines as quickly as possible
  • 7% want everyone to have access to the vaccines
  • 6% are confident that Thailand can reopen for economic recovery after every Thai is vaccinated with the first dose, compared to only 6.8% who have no confidence

Asst. Prof. Dr. Noppadon said that the poll result shows that the government will be able to build trust among the people, about economic recovery, if at least 70% of the Thai population has received their first vaccine shots.

He also said the poll shows that all the fake news, about the poor quality of the vaccines procured by the government aimed at discouraging people from getting vaccinated, is futile.

He recommended, however, that the government explains its vaccine management, the need to make adjustments and maintain communication with the people on continuous basis, to build trust.