21 September 2024

To make sure that people do not flee Bangkok for other provinces, ahead of the enforcement of the new interprovincial travel restrictions on Monday, the military and the police have already set up more than 80 road checkpoints in the capital to monitor departing vehicles, especially pickup trucks and passenger vans.

The country’s Supreme Commander, General Chalermphol Srisawat, has also ordered military patrol units to supplement the operations of the checkpoints in preventing any mobility which may accelerate the spread of COVID-19 in other provinces.

Troops have been ordered to enforce the travel restrictions strictly and to prosecute those who break the law.

General Chalermphol has asked for cooperation from the public, by strictly following the basic health and safety measures of the Ministry of Public Health and by refraining from any activity which could contribute to the spread of the virus.

Border surveillance has also been stepped up, to stop migrant workers slipping into Thailand via natural border crossings.