20 September 2024

The Thai cabinet has decided to cut tuition fees at state universities by between 10% and 50% and by 5,000 baht per head for private universities to ease the financial burden on parents as the country’s COVID-19 pandemic worsens.

Reductions of tuition fees for students at state universities will be 50% for the first 50,000 baht of tuition fees, 30% of the fees from 50,001 to 100,000 baht and 10% for fees exceeding 100,001 baht.

Students studying at private universities will all receive a 5,000 baht flat rate cut, plus extension of the remaining fee payments on instalment basis. About 1.75 million students stand to benefit from the government measure.

According to Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Anek Laothammatas today (Wednesday), there are 922,794 students at state universities, including 396,858 at 38 Rajabhat universities, 133,782 students at Ratchamongkol Technology universities and 11,678 at community colleges. There are also 285,500 students at 72 private universities.

60% of the subsidies will be borne by the government and 40% by the universities, said Prof. Dr. Anek, adding that the cuts will cover students from under graduate up to doctorate level.

The move came as university students petitioned for a reduction in their fees as only online classes are being conducted at many universities.