20 September 2024

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is now offering an in-home vaccination service for bed-ridden patients and other vulnerable people in frail health, who are unable to leave their homes and are not yet vaccinated.

Bangkok Governor Aswin Kwanmuang said, in his Facebook post today (Friday), that many bed-ridden patients and elderly people, who rarely leave their homes, have mostly been infected by others in their families who do go out.

“So, home is not a safe haven from COVID-19 anymore,” said the governor, adding that vaccinating these people can help reduce infections in Bangkok and the city’s administration has deployed numerous teams to several communities and high-risk areas to provide free vaccinations.

He added, however, that there are still people who are bed-ridden by illnesses or are too frail to leave their homes to get vaccinated.

To solve this problem and to ensure that everyone, including the bed-ridden, have access to vaccines, the governor said that teams of health officials will be sent to all communities in Bangkok to inoculate them.

Advance vaccination appointments can be made by registration with the QR code or at this link, https://forms.gle/vW5meyKHz5dVjz2q7.