20 September 2024
Thailand news

The Chinese Embassy in Bangkok has issued a statement, accusing some individuals and organizations in Thailand of attempting to discredit the Chinese-made Sinovac vaccine without a scientific basis, in a way which is “harmful to the good wishes of China to support Thai people in the fight against the pandemic.”

In a Facebook post on Friday, the spokesman for the Chinese Embassy said that, since the beginning of this year, China has delivered Sinovac vaccine to Thailand to help the country in its fight to contain COVID-19 pandemic, despite the need for the vaccines in China and production still not meeting thedemand.

“Every dose of the Chinese vaccine represents the genuine friendship of the Chinese government and people toward the Thai government and the Thai people,” said the statement, adding that the vaccine has been approved by the World Health Organization for emergency use and has gone through research and human trials that meet the safety and efficacy requirements of the Thai Food and Drug Administration.

The Chinese vaccine producer, Sinovac, has been closely monitoring the mutations of the virus and has studied the immune responses to the different variants of the virus inthose vaccinated.

Citing information from the Public Health Ministry in Chile, published on August 5th, the embassy claimed that the Sinovac vaccine is no less than 86% effective in preventing serious illness and deaths among people hospitalised.

It also cited the research study of the Indonesian government,dated August 6th, which shows a 92-95% effectiveness of the Sinovac vaccine in preventing deaths among patients.

“This information is proof that Sinovac is not an inferior vaccine as alleged,” said the statement.

The Chinese Embassy asked all the individuals and organizations, which have engaged in efforts to discredit the Sinovac vaccine, to stop their harmful activities adding,however, that China will continue to cooperate with Thailand with sincerity to help Thailand fight the pandemic.