20 September 2024

Thailand’s National Health Security Office (NHSO) has paid a total of 157.29 million baht in compensation to 3,224 people who suffered serious side effects after inoculation with COVID-19 vaccines.

NHSO Secretary-General Dr. Jadet Thammathat-Aree said today (Wednesday) that as of September 10th, the office had received 4,333 complaints from people who claimed to have suffered from post-inoculation side effects.

Of all the complaints, 3,224 cases have received the compensation, totalling about 157 million baht, and 1,004 cases have been rejected, with an additional 105 cases yet to be processed.

Bangkok tops the number of claims for compensation, with 914 cases. Other provinces with high claim numbers include Chiang Mai (618) and Ubon Ratchathani (499).

Compensation is paid in accordance with the severity of the side effects, which are divided into symptoms which require continuing treatment, a maximum of 100,000 baht (2,892 cases), side effects that lead to loss of a limb or disability which affects their livelihood, a maximum amount of 240,000 baht (21 cases) and loss of life or permanent disability, a maximum amount of 400,000 baht (311 cases).

Dr. Jadet made clear that payment of compensation is intended to ease the hardship or suffering of those developing serious side effects, adding that it is not an acceptance that the side effects are a direct consequence of the vaccines or that the vaccines are at fault.