21 September 2024

All the Karen refugees being sheltered at a Thai school in Mae Tao sub-district, in the western province of Tak, have been moved further inland, to a village in Mahawan sub-district, for their safety as fighting between Myanmar government forces and rebels of the Karen National Union intensifies.

Thai security forces said that the transfer of about 1,400 refugees will make it easier for officials to manage them. The new shelter is more spacious and has better facilities. There are now about 3,200 Karen refugees in this new facility.

Thai security forces said that several rounds of 81mm and 60mm mortars landed in an open field in Ban Don Chai in Mae Tao sub-district yesterday, prompting Thai gunners to respond with smoke shells, to warn the warring factions in Myanmar that their munitions were crossing the border.

Also yesterday, in Muen Ruchai village in Phob Phra district, one rocket propelled grenade crashed through the roof of a house belonging to Sunee Archasuksan.

The grenade caused some property damage, but did not harm anyone in the house, as most of them had taken refuge in a bomb shelter in the village during the heavy fighting opposite Thailand’s Phob Phra district in Tak.