20 September 2024

“Manita Duangkham Farmer” became the latest Miss Thailand last night (Sunday), also becoming an ambassador for the country’s tourism and culture.

The newly-crowned Manita is a Thai-American, born and raised in Phuket, who graduated from Bangkok University in Communication Arts. The 25-year-old beauty queen is apparently the first half-Thai to win the title of Miss Thailand, which was held for the 53rd time.

Although several Thais of mixed race parentage have won pageants, such as “Miss Universe Thailand”, over the years, Miss Thailand, known locally as “Nang Sao Thai”, is different.

During the final 5 round, Manita was asked the question, “Every three months during the lockdown, up to 15 million women became victims of domestic violence, according to UN Women. If you became Miss Thailand, how would you help solve this problem?”

Manita’s answer was “Domestic violence comes from the fact that women have been taught to be passive and to be weak, which in reality is not true. Women have to be brave enough to walk away and help themselves, brave enough to say that I will not tolerate this anymore, and be brave enough to be strong in this society.”

In the final 3 round, the finalists were asked “Thailand is among the top countries in the use of social media. If you became Miss Thailand, how would you use this opportunity to produce content?”

Manita’s answer was “I would present the tourist attractions and local products on social media, not only through livestream, but I would also share them as posts. When I visited Amnat Charoen province, I did a livestream selling local products for one hour, during which we earned 20,000 baht. Therefore, for one year as Miss Thailand, I will help improve the Thai economy as the new ambassador for tourism and culture.”