20 September 2024

The Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) has decided to maintain the current zoning of COVID-19 areas, even though daily infections are on the rise, especially in “sandbox” provinces, according to CCSA Spokesman Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin.

He told a press conference today (Friday) that 5,435 COVID-19 infections were reported today in the eight “sandbox” provinces and 3,792 cases in 18 other provinces, altogether accounting for about half of the infections nationwide today. He urged people in those 26 provinces to help health officials to reduce the infection rate so the economy can move forward without further disruption.

Bangkok, today, reported 3,019 cases, top of the ten provinces with highest infection rates. Total infections nationally today soared to 15,242, with 23 deaths, including an eight-month old baby.

The current zoning of COVID-19 areas is as follows:

  • 44 orange or controlled provinces
  • 25 yellow or high surveillance provinces
  • 8 “sandbox” provinces

On Thursday, Director of the Epidemiology Division Dr. Chakkarat Pittayawonganon attributed the jump in infections in 23 provinces to the relaxation of lockdown measures and increased social gatherings, as he urged travellers to these provinces to be extra careful, especially people affected by underlying conditions.

He pointed out that, last week, infections among children and teenagers were on the rise, mostly infected by family members, at schools or by other people in their communities.

From January 1st to February 2nd, there were 13,600 infections among children in the 5-11 age group, 4,448 infections among those under two, 3,212 infections among the 3-4 age group and 12,126 cases among those aged 12-17.

Although most cases are asymptomatic or mild, Director of the Communicable Diseases Division Dr. Vichan Pawan said that it is necessary for these youngsters to be inoculated.

Regarding the incidence of vaccination side effects, the Public Health Ministry’s database, up to February 6th, shows more than 117 million doses of vaccines have been administered in Thailand and most of the incidents of severe side effects have been related to the Sinovac vaccine. The incidents of heart muscle or heart issue inflammation were mostly related to the Pfizer vaccine, while blood clots or low blood cell counts were mostly related to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The death rate among children from COVID-19 is just 2 in 10,000 infected, but that would be much lower if the children have been vaccinated.