20 September 2024

ASEAN is “deeply concerned” over the evolving situation and hostilities in Ukraine, according to a statement released Saturday, after Russian troops began military assaults on key Ukrainian cities.

“We call on all relevant parties to exercise maximum restraint and make the utmost effort to pursue dialogues through all channels, including diplomatic means, to contain the situation, to de-escalate tensions and to seek a peaceful resolution, in accordance with international laws, the principles of the United Nations charter and the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia.”

The statement was circulated among all the ten-member countries, including Myanmar. Before ASEAN’s common position was made public, key members had already issued their own views. Indonesia and Singapore have condemned the military actions by Russia. Other members have expressed concern over its military actions.

The statement said that ASEAN believes that there is still room for a peaceful dialogue to prevent the situation from getting out of control. “For peace, security and harmonious coexistence to prevail, it is the responsibility of all parties to uphold the principle of mutual respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity and equal rights of all nations.”

Myanmar is the only ASEAN nation to support Russia’s action, saying that it was “justified and showed its status as a powerful country for the balance of power and world peace.”

After the coup last year, Russia and the military junta in Naypyidaw have further strengthened their relationship, especially on security cooperation, including the arms trade.