20 September 2024

New COVID-19 infections in the past 24 hours reached a new high of 42,138 using rapid antigen tests and 23,618 using RT-PCR tests, according to the COVID-19 Information Centre and Disease Control Department.

The official daily infection record high confirmed by RT-PCR tests was set on Saturday at 25,615 but the number of positive cases found in rapid antigen tests (ATKs) awaiting RT-PCR confirmation did not exceed 30,000 a day until today.

The antigen figures have only been released by the authorities recently thanks to the prevalent use of the kits, in addition to the official RT-PCR positive cases.

Of the 23,618 cases diagnosed using RT-PCR tests, 23,437 were locally-acquired and 181 were among arrivals from overseas.

Cumulative infections since the beginning of this year are 734,727, of which 543,184 have recovered.  223,414 are currently undergoing treatment.

The death toll today was 49.

Of the patients currently being treated, 1,131 are suffering lung infections and 325 are on ventilators.

To date, 124,124,850 doses of vaccines have been administered in Thailand. These include 53.7 million first doses, 49.7 million second doses, 20.7 million third doses, and a number of fourth doses.