20 September 2024

Psychiatric experts and volunteers will be dispatched, to provide counselling and to assess the impacts on the mental health of the injured and the families of the dead in the mass murder at the childcare centre in Nong Bua Lam Phu province, following the Royally-sponsored cremation ceremonies yesterday (Tuesday).

Dr. Amporn Benjaponpitak, director-general of Mental Health Department, said that there are around 260 people who may be suffering mental trauma and who are in need of expert psychiatric help.

Special care will be given to those most likely to be suffering the worst effects of the tragedy, she said, adding that whole process may take as long as three months, especially for those suffering serious trauma.

Dr. Amporn also said that, apart from psychiatric experts, volunteers have offered help to those directly affected and others in Na Klang district.

Altogether 38 people died, including the perpetrator, his wife and their son, in the mass murder last Thursday, in and close to the childcare centre in Uthai Sawan sub-district.

36 of the dead were cremated yesterday.

Several offerings for the children who died, such as toys, clothes and “dream uniforms” of the children’s dream professions, such as doctor, nurse, police, army and astronaut, were displayed in front of their coffins. These offerings were burned afterwards, in accordance with tradition, so they will be received by the souls of the dead.

Most of the dead, including 22 young children, were residents of villages in Uthai Sawan Na Klang district.

An air of sadness prevailed during the cremation ceremonies, held at the three different temples, as families said farewell to their loved ones.