20 September 2024

The Institute of Dermatology will resume providing free COVID-19 vaccinations to members of the public on December 17th, as many people have shown interest in getting booster shots during the current “new wave” of infections.

Free vaccinations at the institute began early this month and ended yesterday, during which many people received their booster shots.

The Department of Disease Control described the current surge in new COVID-19 infections as just a “new wave”, with most cases not serious, and said that the infection rate will gradually slow down after New Year.

According to the Facebook page of CVC Bang Sue Grand Station, the public can now make advance appointments for inoculation in December, with breaks on December 3rd, 10th, 24th and 31st.

Alternatively, they can just walk in and register.

The free vaccinations are open to both Thais and foreigners from the age of 5. Those who want to get their third booster must make sure that their last vaccination was administered at least 120 days prior. The vaccines to be administered are Pfizer, both purple and orange cap.