21 September 2024

A combined force of anti-military groups, including the People’s Defence Force (PDF) and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), attacked nearby military encampments and reportedly as many as 100 soldiers are dead, according to Kyain Seikgyi Township residents.

Locals told the news media that a Nagar Ni member (one of the anti-military groups) told them that, despite air support providing back up, the combined assault managed to overwhelm soldiers from the No. 32, 283 and 284 platoons.

The battle reportedly began at around 5am and the revolutionary forces are confirmed to have lost four people so far.

The military has denied that it sustained this many casualties, saying that the casualties were on the PDF and the KNLA side.

Pro-military civilian social media networks and channels have, however, been reporting that platoons based in Kyain Seikgyi have come under heavy fire and that at least one platoon has been totally wiped out.

As of the evening of January 4th, local news media Khit Thit reported that, despite the rumours, nothing has been confirmed 100 percent, except that the battle is still ongoing.