20 September 2024

Preparations can be seen in Myanmar’s economic hub of Yangon, for the upcoming Union Day on February 12th.

Soldiers were seen on patrol in their vehicles and posted at major traffic junctions and roads in the city.

While most of the decorations for Union Day are concentrated along Pyay Road, as a celebration will reportedly be held at the People’s Park located there, tight security checks were also seen in many other places.

Due to the security presence, many suspect that the Senior General Min Aung Hlaing is already in Yangon.

While the Myanmar government plans to celebrate Union Day, a public holiday and the day on which the Panglong Agreement was signed in 1947, which united ethnicities within Myanmar into one nation, battles between armed ethnic forces continue.

Most recently, tensions increased in high conflict areas, such as Kawkareik in Kayin Township, and civilians were on high alert.

Locals report that the number of security forces have increased since it was placed under martial law on February 2nd, along with Kyain Seik Gyi and Yay Township in Mon State.

Merchants have also announced on social media that, due to the increased amount of fighting, the land trade route along the Asia Highway is seeing less use and items will be delayed.