21 September 2024

ASEAN will stage its first region-wide online shopping event in August, to promote cross-border trade through e-commerce, according to an informed source.

The new ASEAN chair, Indonesia, has recently proposed the idea to promote e-commerce among ASEAN members, involving consumers and small and medium size enterprises. The flagship event will be held on ASEAN Day, August 8th. “The ASEAN online sale day will highlight the best of ASEAN products at special prices,” the source said.

E-commerce in ASEAN has enjoyed rapid growth in the past few years, due to the proliferation of social media and the widespread use of smartphones. Global online sales networks such as Alibaba, and Lazarus among others, have attracted a huge number of online shoppers from the region.

A study by Google and Temasek and E-Conomy SEA 2018 estimates that the internet-based economy in ASEANamounted US$72 billion in online travel, e-Commerce, online media and ride-hailing services. The study also projected that Southeast Asia’s internet economy could exceed US$240 billion by 2025.

The new ASEAN chair has given priority to digital development, to ensure that the digital gaps among ASEANmembers will be further narrowed. The use of information technology will also help to facilitate trade.

In 2019, ASEAN Economic Ministers (AEM) signed the ASEAN Agreement on Electronic Commerce, intended to facilitate the growth of e-commerce transactions in ASEAN and deepen cooperation among its members. The aim is to develop and intensify the use of e-commerce, as well as to create an environment of trust and confidence in the use of e-commerce.

To increase the potential of e-commerce in the ASEAN, government officials have held talks with agencies responsible for trade and cross-border trade, such as customs, transport facilitation, consumer protection, standards and conformance, as well as micro, small and medium size enterprises.

According to the source, their discussions and recommendations will be part and parcel of the Leaders’ Statement to Develop the ASEAN Digital Economy Framework later this year.