20 September 2024

Police in Thailand’s southern province of Narathiwat are holding four suspects in custody for questioning in connection with the deaths of four men, three of whom were found in the trunk of a half-submerged car in a pond in Waeng district.

Police said that one of the suspects has a previous record for drug trafficking and has spent time in prison on several occasions.

Divers, from a rescue unit based in Su-ngai Kolok district, searched the pond in Mae Dong sub-district yesterday (Thursday). The fourth victim was found near the pond.

After more than three hours, the divers found the rear view mirror of the car, which had been dumped into the pond. Police removed a memory card from the mirror to see whether it contains any clues about the murders.

Police also seized two handguns from the suspects, which will be examined to ascertain whether the bullets found in the bodies were fired from the guns.

Police initially suspect that the murders were motivated by a conflict in the drug trafficking underworld.