20 September 2024

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha said he is a native son of the north-east son and urged its people not to desert him, as he unveiled some of the United Thai Nation Party’s policies at a campaign rally held in the north-eastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima on Saturday night.

He said that he was born in the Suranaree military barracks in Nakhon Ratchasima and moved to Lop Buri Province and Bangkok with his parents, but “wherever I am, I am always a descendent of Ya Mo (Thao Suranaree, the heroine of Nakhon Ratchasima).”

“Will you accept me? Do not desert me. I am a north-easterner,” said the prime minister, as he addressed thousands of people at a rally held in front of the provincial hall.

He said that Nakhon Ratchasima is the main gateway to the other north-eastern provinces, with the best highway in the country, adding that the first train route, between Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima, which was built 112 years ago, remains operational today.

He promised to improve all transport modes, including roads, airports and train services, to connect with other provinces and to bring more income for the people in Nakhon Ratchasima.

He said he wants equal opportunity and justice for all, as he repeated the United Thai Nation Party’s slogan “Already did, being done and continue to do.”

He cited the new high-speed Thai-Chinese train route, expected to be completed in six years, which will link Bangkok with the north-eastern region, Laos and China.

He admitted that one of the biggest challenges is to improve the livelihoods of the farmers, pointing out that guaranteeing prices of agricultural products alone will not help much, without cutting production costs.

Welfare subsidies for pensioners, said the prime minister, which are currently set at 600 baht/month for those from aged 60-70, 700 baht for 70-80-year-olds and 800 baht for those 81 and over will be increased to one uniform rate of 1,000 baht for everyone over 60.

The prime minister also told the audience about the party’s plan to solve the long-overdue land overlap problem through the “One Map” measure, to be initially implemented in 11 central provinces.

Image Courtesy: United Thai Nation Party’s Facebook