20 September 2024

Officials from the Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC), Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) and anti-corruption police raided four locations, including the house of the deputy health chief of Nakhon Ratchasima, to search for evidence of alleged corruption.

It is alleged that, in 2018 and 2019, Sunti Tuaymeerit, the provincial deputy health chief, sought a 4-million baht budget from the provincial administration to organise disease control training courses in 32 districts.

Informed sources said that the budget was approved and covered rental fees for the premises in which to hold the training course, food, allowances for the trainers and other expenses, adding that there were lists of names of the participants in the training course in each of the 32 districts. The budget for each district ranged from 120,000-150,000 baht.

It was also discovered, however, that no training courses were actually held and that the names of some of the participants belong to people who are deceased, but the money was spent anyway.

It was also discovered that some unidentified individuals had demanded a refund from each of the 32 districts, ranging from 30,000-50,000 baht, which allegedly went into the bank account of the provincial deputy health chief.