20 September 2024

Thailand remains in Tier 2 of the latest Trafficking in Persons report (2023 TIP Report), published by the U.S. State Department earlier today (Friday), along with other 104 out of the 188 countries and territories assessed around the world.

The report grades countries on how well or poorly they are doing in combating human trafficking, based on the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA).

Being in Tier 2 means that the Thai government does not fully meet the TVPA’s minimum standards, but is making significant efforts to bring the country into compliance.

Countries in Tier 2 include Switzerland, Norway, New Zealand, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Italy and Indonesia, for example

The report also shares stories of workers who have been trafficked from country to country, including Thailand. One such case was a 20-year-old Uzbek who was recruited to work in information technology in Thailand. He was, however, trafficked to Myanmar, along with many others, and forced to work for an internet scam ring. Another case was a Cambodian man who was lured to fly to the Philippines, but was trafficked to China while he was traveling through Thailand and forced to run online cryptocurrency scams.

The report said that, increasingly, China-based organised crime syndicates, posing as labour brokers, use social media to recruit East African and Asian workers proficient in English or with technical backgrounds, promising lucrative jobs supposedly in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and elsewhere in the region. Upon arrival, victims are transported to large compounds, known as “scam factories,” where their passports are confiscated and they experience physical and sexual violence. Traffickers force victims to defraud strangers in online cryptocurrency and romance scams and illegal gambling operations.

In response to the report, the Thai Foreign Affairs ministry has issued a statement saying that combatting human trafficking has long been at the top of Thailand’s national agenda and the government is “fully committed and will continue to improve relevant laws and regulations, enhance operational efficiency and strengthen partnerships with all stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society, as well as international organisations, neighbouring countries and interested parties”.