20 September 2024

Move Forward party’s candidate Padipat Suntiphada was voted the first deputy House speaker today (Tuesday), beating the other candidate from the United Thai Nation party, Witthaya Kaewparadai.

Padipat received 312 votes, compared to 105 votes for Witthaya. 77 MPs abstained from voting and two votes were invalid.

The eight-party coalition, led by the Move Forward party, commands only 311 seats in the 500-seat House. So, the extra vote cast for Padipat came from an MP of the other camp, according to a parliamentary source.

The second deputy House speaker’s post went to Pheu Thai party’s constituency MP representing Chiang Rai province, Pichet Chuamuangphan, who was nominated by Prachachat party-list MP Thawee Sodsong. Since Pichet’s nomination was uncontested, he was automatically selected.

The House meeting was adjourned at 1.51pm.