20 September 2024

Thailand is seeking help from the Mekong River Commission (MRC) to get China and Laos to manage the discharge of water downstream from their dams properly, as the rising level of the Mekong River is threatening to flood Thailand’s eight riparian provinces.

Surasee Kittimongkol, secretary-general of Thailand’s National Water Resources Office, said today (Friday) that the water level in the Mekong is rising due to accumulated water from heavy rain in the lower Mekong and northern Laos.

Compounded by heavy rain in Thailand’s north and northeast, due to the influence of a low pressure cell prevailing over northern Vietnam and southern China, he said that the level of water in lower Mekong River will increase steadily.

Especially for August 10th through 15th, the National Water Command Centre has issued advice to eight provinces along the Mekong, asking them to be aware of the rising water level and to take precautionary steps to prepare for overflows.