20 September 2024

The Dean of the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts at Silpakorn University has defended his decision to use the popular “Loopsie” AI application on the faculty’s Facebook page.

Vichaya Mukdamanee said that, in approving the use the application to promote the faculty, he is not implying that AI will replace art created by humans.

What we should do is to learn about the AI along with other techniques, Vichaya said in a press release posted on the Facebook page, adding “I personally believe that we cannot deny the existence of AI and we should adapt to it as part of how the art is created”.

The use of the application in promoting the faculty on August 16 has drawn mixed reaction from commentators. Some disagree with the use of this popular application, saying that this should not be the direction in which the faculty is going. “If it is, then it is a pity and the faculty should be ashamed”.

Another wrote that she could not believe her eyes when she saw that one of the top arts universities is at ease with using AI in their work. The department should change its name to the “Faculty of AI”.

Some netizens, who are probably high school students, wrote that now they can eliminate one of their choices of faculty in which to enrol.

Many others, however, love the idea, writing “wow”, “amazing”, “cute” and “trendy”.

A netizen wrote that the creation of art should not be only by hand, it should embrace other ways as well, adding “The hearts of artists should be free.”

The dean wrote that he is well aware of the opposition, many of whom, he claimed, are alumni of the faculty and the university.

“I wish to apologise to those who are affected by the matter. I recognise the concerns they have, particularly about the university’s direction,” he said.

Some people have demanded that the Loopsie photos be removed from the page, but Vichaya said he decided to keep the posting, because he thought the matter should be discussed and understood among the public. “Society and I should learn lesson from the matter,” he said.