20 September 2024

The Israeli Embassy in Bangkok has issued a statement, expressing sadness over the deaths of Thai nationals in, what it described as, the terror attacks.

It reads: Sadly, Thailand is one of the nations most affected by the terror attacks instigated by Hamas, with a death toll of at least 29 workers and numerous others injured or taken captive in Gaza.”

The Israeli ambassador to Thailand, Orna Sagiv, said she, along with the entire nation of Israel, mourn in solidarity with the Thai people.

“We share this tragic fate, we grieve together and, together, we will find the strength to overcome the pain,” she said

She offered reassurance that Thais working in Israel are afforded the same treatment and protection as any Israeli or citizen of any other nation.

The Embassy stated that, as a precautionary measure, its government has evacuated civilians residing within four kilometres of the Gaza border, including Israelis, Thais and citizens of other nations.

Those who have chosen to stay and continue working in other parts of Israel have done so after signing consent forms and being relocated to safer areas.

“The second zone, spanning from 4 to 7km from the border with Gaza, is considered a high-risk zone with restricted movement, but it has not yet been evacuated.”

Residents within this zone, Israelis and Thais, continue to live in their homes. Israel is monitoring the situation vigilantly and will evacuate all citizens to more distant areas if deemed necessary.