20 September 2024

The cabinet approved a 10% salary increase over the next two years today, for newly-recruited government officials, to begin in the middle of next year, tentatively.

Danucha Pichayanan, secretary-general of the National Economic and Social Development Council, said today that the salaries of newly-recruited civil servants will be adjusted to 18,000 baht minimum within the next two years.

For serving officials, whose salaries are under 18,000 baht, he said they will be adjusted accordingly.

Meanwhile, Prommin Lertsuridej, secretary-general to the prime minister, explained that the salary adjustment, as proposed by the Office of Civil Service Commission, is intended to make civil service salaries more attractive and as competitive as those offered by the private sector, especially for new recruits.

He said that the most important element of the salary adjustment is that it must be commensurate with the position, “not too little or too much”.

He also said that the Office of Civil Service Commission will be able to give the full details of the salary increases in due course.