20 September 2024

The PM2.5 problem in and around Bangkok, in 17 northern provinces and in the northeast is predicted to get worse this weekend, while the situation in the south is steadily improving, according to the Air Pollution Mitigation Centre.

Airborne pollution in the eastern region is forecast to ease from next Wednesday.

PM2.5 dust has reached the health-affecting Red level in Ang Thong, Lop Buri, Chainat, Kanchanaburi, Saraburi and Sing Buri today, with the highest concentration being measured at 117µg/m³ in Ban Nua sub-district of Kanchanaburi.

47 provinces are suffering from excessive levels of PM2.5 today, including greater Bangkok.

In the north, PM2.5 readings range from 15.3-84.9µg/m³, 26.9-67.6µg/m³ in the northeast, 34.0-120.2µg/m³ in central and western provinces. Only five areas in the east have excessive airborne pollutants, measured at 24.8-69.5µg/m³.

In and around Bangkok, PM2.5 was measured at 13.2-64.8µg/m³.